Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

People have always taken photos of themselves, either with camera timers or by handing their Nikons over to strangers in foreign countries and then paying large sums to get them back.

Paul Mellon
Paul Mellon

When you give away large sums of money, you can cause as much damage as you may do good.

Tim Crouch
Tim Crouch

Art is a subjective thing, and it should be a subjective thing. And the difficulty of subjectivity is that it becomes hugely problematized when you start applying large sums of money to art objects. That's where it all starts to get a bit sticky.

Ocean's Eight
Ocean's Eight

Detective: [in the interrigation room] Well, it seems four sweet old ladies, who apparently don't exist, have recently transferred some very large sums of money into Becker Holdings, LLC. Do you know how that might have happened, Mr. Becker?
Claude Becker: [in total shock] I think I need a lawyer.